The Norton Mine
The Norton Mine Slideshow
The Norton Mine Slideshow--part two
Norton Mine Storage System Performance Analysis Program Description

The Hydrodynamics Group with Sandia National Laboratory are completing field and laboratory studies to confirm the integrity of the Norton Mine at air storage pressures, and the potential for air loss.

The current results of our studies indicate the Norton Mine is suitable for use as an air storage vessel for CAES. The integrity of the mine under static loading conditions appears to not be an issue. The limestone, in general, is massive with very few if any discontinuities that may significantly affect mine performance. Estimates of mine integrity under dynamic loads suggest the integrity of the mine will not be compromised. The pressurized air may relieve some of the stress on the mine walls and roof, but stress relieves will be within the elastic boundaries of the limestone.

The limestone and shale cap-rock are essentially non-permeable to air. Not significant rock discontinuities were observed in the mine. Rock bedding planes and fractures that were observed to be salt water and kerogin saturated. The effective permeability measured during in-situ flow tests was significantly reduced to this condition. Estimates of potential air loss are less then significant.

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